Occorre aggiornare quasi quotidianamente gli elenchi delle applicazioni didattiche per iPAd, considerata la frequenza con cui vengono segnalate nuove risorse.
Per questo sfrutto volentieri il lavoro fatto da colleghi che si impegnano in questo costante lavoro di ricerca e recensione di apps per la didattica.
E' il caso di Teachers With Apps che ha selezionato per voi più di 50 apps per la scuola primaria, suddividendole per materia.
Faces iMake – Right Brain Creativity, by iMagine machine, is a modern day take on the beloved and all time classic – Mr. Potato Head – our generation’s mainstay toy for creative play! This app is a great way [...]Read Post →
Toontastic Jr. Shrek Movie Maker, by Launchpad Toys, is a dynamite addition to this outstanding, award winning, creative companies repertoire. Teachers With Apps reviewed the first Toontastic back in the summer of 2011 and said, “It’s a [...]Read Post →
Scribble Press is an amazing app that lets you be the author and illustrator as you create your own books. This is one cool tool! Kids can use their imaginations while writing, illustrating, and publishing an ibook, which can then be shared. [...]Read Post →
Eye Paint Animals, by Curious Hat, is one of the most innovative and invigorating apps we’ve seen to date. TWA had the pleasure of speaking with Luca Prasso, one of the co-founders of Curious Hat, and got a [...]Read Post →
Lazoo: Squiggles! & Lazoo: Let’s Color!, by Lazoo Worldwide, are two PREMIERE drawing apps, that you are not going to want to miss! Their motto: Create, Explore, Imagine, and as a company they promote and encourage children to “color outside the lines.” These apps are all about [...]Read Post →
Felt Board, by Software Smoothie, is an app that brings us back to much simpler times via a virtual felt board. Felt boards are a big part of any preschooler’s routine, when I taught this age-range, I was [...]Read Post →
Avokiddo Emotions, by Avokiddo, is a brilliant new app by the developers of the much loved and ever so popular, Beck and Bo. Avokiddo Emotions provides over-the-top fun and is an extraordinary educational tool to help kids develop their [...]Read Post →
One Globe Kids – children’s stories from around the world, by Round by Design, has found a unique and undiscovered niche in the educational market and we think that they are onto something big! Children can “visit” friends from around the world [...]Read Post →
Math Tools, by PV Apps Ltd, is an amazing set of math manipulatives, all together in one concise, take along, fit in your pocket, use anywhere, anytime tool set! This app is drop dead gorgeous, which makes it [...]Read Post →
We use Math Drills, by Instant Interactive, regularly with our students and really like this app. It reminds us of the no-nonsense computer games that were used back in the day. As a teacher, you want content. Math [...]Read Post →
Sums Stacker, by Daren Carstens of Carstens Studios Inc, is an amazing app. It incorporates critical thinking, problem solving, and strategic planning skills, all while you’re “playing” with math concepts with great gaming style! Carstens [...]Read Post →
Numbytes – Math Game, by Yhanco Grey Esteban, otherwise known as Y-Tech, has got your number and every kid on the block can’t put it down. This is not a new app, but it has had a major facelift with its [...]Read Post →
Operation Math: Code Squad, by Spinlight Studio, is a brilliant multiplayer game for keeping kids current on all four math operations by jointly beating the clock. Code Squad is not for the faint of heart, and it does [...]Read Post →
Motion Math: Hungry Guppy, by Motion Math, is another great catch for the pre-schoolers, primary schoolers, and the early elementary set! If you are not familiar with Motion Math’s other apps, read our reviews of Motion [...]Read Post →
Mystery Math Town, by Artgig Studio, is a great new app that draws kids into the mystery of math. This app calls for real thinking and problem solving ability, which often takes a backseat to learning basic math skills. Get started [...]Read Post →
SlateMath for Kids – Kindergarten and 1st Grade Games is a modular portfolio of educational apps that develop mathematical skills and intuition through playful interaction. SlateMath covers the Common Core math standards for kindergarten and first grade levels and walks children through a Read Post →
Splash Math Grades 1 to 5, by StudyPad, is an awesome new app that combines the best of their suite of math apps and takes you Cross-platform! You can now access Splash Math through your desktop, tablet or phone. This app contains an Adaptive [...]Read Post →
Todo Telling Time by the well-known Locomotive Labs, is an engaging app with many activities to learn different aspects of telling time. Calendar concepts, days of the weeks, time to the hour and minute as well as schedule [...]Read Post →
Numerosity: Play with Addition! and Numerosity: Play with Subtraction! by ThoughtBox, are based on a cutting edge approach to learning math and TWA found while field-testing, the kids kept wanting to come back for more and more play time. We love [...]Read Post →
Native Numbers – Complete Number Sense Mastery Curriculum, by Native Brain, is a wonderful addition to the already saturated math app market! This game is on the money when it comes to providing a deeper understanding of number concepts and [...]Read Post →
Smart Fish: Magic Matrix HD – Common Core Concepts of Measurements and Data for Kindergarten and 1st Grade (K.MD.3 + 1.MD.4), by SocialBug Labs, promotes critical thinking and deeper learning – this app rocks! The developers of this brilliant [...]Read Post →
Numbers, Addition and Subtraction ! Math educational games for kids in Preschool and Kindergarten by i Learn With, by Tribal Nova, is just one of the engaging apps that are part of the iLearn With Boing series. This [...]Read Post →
Math Evolve: A Fun Math Game, by InterAction Education and Zephyr Games, has really pushed the envelope. This app introduces a revolutionary “video-like” gaming app for practicing math facts. One of our students called it [...]Read Post →
Numerosity: Play with Addition! and Numerosity: Play with Subtraction! by ThoughtBox, are based on a cutting edge approach to learning math and TWA found while field-testing, the kids kept wanting to come back for more and more play time. We love [...]Read Post →
MultiFlow: Times Tables Reimagined, by Dactyl Applications, is a remarkable app that keeps kids engaged and striving to do better, over and over again. Best part, it can actually adjust the questions as you go, the ones you get wrong [...]Read Post →
Marble Math, by Artgig Apps, is a brilliant way to reinforce core math concepts and to help students understand concepts and practice skills that are an integral part of any math curriculum. The best part is that the iPad, with all of its interactivity, has [...]Read Post →
Jungle Time, Jungle Coins & Jungle Fractions - This is a trio of stellar apps, developed by Andrew Short, of Jungle Education, and former Microsoft program manager and software designer. Andrew’s also dad to two 2 [...] Read Post →
LetterSchool, by Sanoma Media Netherlands B.V., has been getting lots of accolades from just about everyone, including us! This is a spectacular app for implementing and practicing fine motor skills, and for beginning the process of building a [...]Read Post →
Sentence Maker, by Grasshopper Apps, is just terrific! Somehow, Sentence Maker fell through the cracks and we didn’t review it when we first started using it. This simple, yet sensational, app is powerful. We’ve had students [...]
Phonics Genius by Alligator Apps is truly brilliant. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t have students working on their decoding skills in this fun, friendly, and highly effect manner. As a special education teacher my caseload [...]Read Post →
Gappy’s First Words, by Spinlight Studio, is hot off the press and ready for all emergent readers to give it a whirl! This app, from these tried and true developers, is so engaging, visually pleasing, and inviting the [...]Read Post →
Bugbrained’s 8 Great Word Patterns is a no-nonsense suite of apps to help early learners conquer reading. All of these apps are simple and follow the same formula to ensure success. Teachers will love how specific these apps are and reluctant learners will feel [...]Read Post →
Squeebles Spelling Test, by KeyStageFun – After evaluating many spelling apps, I was so pleasantly surprised while testing out Squeebles Spelling – it’s a winner! The opening illustration is cute without being considered babyish. Parents can check into [...]Read Post →
Simplex Spelling Phonics – Advanced Phonograms, by Pyxwise, has been added to the esteemed Simplex Spelling series. This app is a powerful tool for both teachers and parents. Craig Welburn, with his partner Dr. Lisa Welburn Ph.D., have created another [...]Read Post →
Reading Raven – Early Ascent is proud to present their first app, and they have reason to be proud! Raven has what it takes to get kids on the road to reading and the developers have done it brilliantly, [...]Read Post →
Brush of Truth, developed by Story Bayou, Inc., is an extremely clever, interactive book app. It can be customized for the needs of the reader by the reader. In Brush of Truth, two tweens discover an enchanted paintbrush created by [...]Read Post →
Move over Schoolhouse Rock, with Grammaropolis – Complete Edition, the next generation of parts of speech characters is here! Meet whimsical characters such as Nelson the noun, Connie the conjunction and and Vinnie the action verb. Teachers and parents, as well as students, [...]Read Post →
How to Write a Paragraph, by Classroom Complete, is another smash success on the iPad! We recently reviewed, How to Write an Essay and have been using it ever since in our classrooms with a wide cross-section of students. [...]Read Post →
How to Write an Essay, by Classroom Complete Press, is a great teacher resource that provides lessons along with ample practice activities. This NEW app can be tried out for free, see what it contains, and if it [...]
One Globe Kids – children’s stories from around the world, by Round by Design, has found a unique and undiscovered niche in the educational market and we think that they are onto something big! Children can “visit” friends from around the world [...]Read Post →
News-O-Matic, Daily for Kids, by Press4Kids, is making a big splash in the device driven, digital news. This much needed app was just released and we have to say, until now… there wasn’t an app for that. News vetted for [...]Read Post →
State Bingo and Road Trip US, by Niyaa Apps, is totally educational, exceptionally engaging and aesthetically pleasing. It also completely encompasses Common Core Standards and differentiated modes of play. This app has so much to offer, learning-wise, and [...]Read Post →
Spinlight Studio has released their newest App, Geography Drive USA, and we love it!! No more boring maps and memorizing facts. Students will be delighted to learn about geography in a whole new, fun, exciting way. [...]Read Post →
Ansel and Clair’s Adventures in Africa, by Cognitive Kid Inc, is an INCREDIBLE app that explores and teaches the wonders of Africa via two endearing extraterrestrial characters. This FIVE STAR educational app will keep your kids [...]Read Post →
Barefoot World Atlas – Barefoot Books has transformed its World Atlas into a phenomenal learning tool! The app, brought to you by Touch Press, has been getting a lot of press and we wanted to see for ourselves what all the [...]Read Post →
Science360 for iPad is just what every classroom needs to cover a gamut of scientific topics or projects in a visually stunning way. This app, by Knowledge Network and sponsored by the National Science Foundation, is eye candy, [...]Read Post →
Monster Physics will keep you and your kids asking to play more. This app from Dan Russell-Pinson is exciting and challenging. Meet colorful monsters by creating different machines with levers, connectors and joints. Help the monster reach his [...]Read Post →
Tick Bait’s Universe, by You University Apps, is one of the best science apps that we have had the honor of reviewing. The developer, Marc Gamble, has been very patient with us, as we knew he had a stellar science app [...]Read Post →
My Bird World, by 5 Ravens, was developed in conjunction with the esteemed Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Could this app give Angry Birds a run for its money? It was a unanimous vote of “awesomeness” [...]Read Post →
My Birds of Prey, by 5 Ravens– The creators of the award-winning app, My Bird World, have another wonderful learning experience all ready for you. Their newest educational app, My Birds of Prey, is out and making the rounds and [...]Read Post →
Coach’s Eye, by TechSmith Corporation, is AMAZING. It lets you record, review, and improve on your sports activities by giving you instant feedback; this is a MUST HAVE app for coaches of all sports. This app was given out as a freebie at [...]Read Post →
Learn Spanish – MindSnack, by MindSnacks, is a delicious and addictive language learning app that will not squelch the user’s appetite for more! It’s not just for children but for students of all ages, young and old. As a [...]
iTooch Elementary School, by eduPad, has hit another home run, and this time it’s a grand slam! They have combined age groups and content to give this app an incredible shelf-life. The app is free to download and nine [...]Read Post →
Word Games for Kids – Futaba, by INKids, is an incredibly fun and educational multi-player game. The idea is simple – each player takes a seat around the iPad and taps in to start. The game begins as [...]Read Post →