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Apps iPad per la scuola primaria E-mail
Risorse - Dispositivi mobili
Lunedì 06 Agosto 2012 14:19
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E' giunto il momento di segnalare l'ennesima raccolta di apps per iPad, in questo caso selezionate per la scuola primaria.

Il sito di riferimento, iPad in Education, ha operato questa raccolta, suddividendo le applicazioni nelle sezioni: Generale, Inglese, Matematica, Storia e Geografia, Scienze.

Ovviamente la descrizione è in lingua inglese e i links vi condurranno direttamente all'App Store per il download.

All Subjects/General:

iAnnotate -iAnnotate turns your iPad into a world-class productivity tool for reading, annotating, organizing, and sending PDF files.
Keynote - Keynote makes creating a world-class presentation — complete with animated charts and transitions — as simple as touching and tapping.
iMovie - Make beautiful HD movies anywhere with iMovie, the fast and fun moviemaking app for iPhone, iPod touch, and the amazing new iPad 2
Pages- Pages lets you create, edit, and view documents wherever you are.
Numbers - A spreadsheet application
Inspiration Maps - This App is ideal for brainstorming, analyzing, and organizing information. If you are familiar with the desktop version of Inspiration, this is a great port to the iPad.
BrainPOP Featured Movie - Tim and Mobi on the iPad! All access to BrainPOP's 750+ Movie library and Quizzes if your district subscribes.
Whiteboard - Collaborate with friends and family with Whiteboard, the easy-to-use collaborative drawing app for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.

iBooks - a ereader book store.

eClicker Presenter/eClicker Audience - A completely redesigned clicker App that has tons of new features. Turns your iPad into a clicker system. The teacher needs the presenter App and the students need the Audience App. This App is highly recommended!!
ComicLife - It’s the funnest, easiest and fastest way ever to create photo comics on a mobile device.
TypeDrawing - TypeDrawing is a really easy app to use, but it's perfect for creating TYPOGRAPHY ART and UNIQUE WATERMARK over your photos.
Animoto - Animoto turns the pictures on your iPhone into beautiful music videos! It takes just a few minutes to make one, and then you can share and collect them with your friends
Discovery Education - Educational videos
Mobile Mouse - Mobile Mouse instantly transforms your iPad into a wireless mouse and trackpad for your computer.
Professor Garfield Cyberbullying - Through comic strips, questions and ansers and problem solving, Garfield teaches what cyberbullying is and how to prevent it.
Sundry Notes - Text, images, audio recording, tables, real-time WiFi collaboration, wireless sync with the cloud, and much more!
Blackboard Presenter - This app turns your iPad to blackboard presenter.
Little Artist HD - Little Artist is a super easy to use finger painting app for kids of all ages !!
CK12.Org - free online textbooks
Templates for Elementary Students - works for all ages
Notability - text to speech or just a note taking app
Overdrive - allows you to check out books from any public library
Move the Turtle - Move the Turtle is an educational app that teaches the basics of creating computer programs using intuitive graphic commands. A friendly Turtle will introduce the user step by step to the basic commands of programming in a colorful graphic environment.

TooNoisyApp - This is a fun app that children enjoy and respond to. It's a real boon to any adult who needs to control the levels of noise of a group of children. Anyone who has attempted to keep the noise levels under control of a group of youngsters will appreciate this simple, engaging app.

Language Arts:

Toontastic - Create your own stories on line using the story arch and our animated artwork.
Book Creator - Create your own iBooks right on the iPad. (Allows everything except video)
Popplet - Popplet is a platform for your ideas. Popplet's super simple interface allows you to move at the speed of your thoughts
Reading Trainer - This app teaches you how to train your eyes and brain to read and comprehend text faster. Think of it as exercise for your reading skills.
Super Why - Help your child achieve the Power to Read with this collection Lof four SUPER WHY interactive games

ABC Phonics Word Sight - Learn Dolch sight words the fun and easy way.

Dr. Suess's ABC - The beloved classic "Dr. Seuss's ABC" is now available for your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch.
Word Magic - Teaches young children how to read and recognize letters.
Animated Rhymes 3 - This App contain 2 Rhymes (1) Pussy Cat (2)The Dog Says Bow,Wow.
StarFall - The "ABCs" section of's well-loved website
SpellBoard - Monday, we get our weekly words. Wednesday, we have our pre-quiz and Friday is the spelling test.
Story Wheel - Story Wheel” is an educational game that improves your child’s cognitive abilities.
Shakespeare in Bits - This is the Free Lite edition of Shakespeare In Bits: Romeo & Juliet.
Preposition Builder - PrepositionBuilder™ is designed to help elementary aged children learn the correct use of prepositions and learn how prepositions can change the meaning of a sentence.
Conversation Builder- ConversationBuilder™ (Patent Pending) is a Conversation Simulator designed to help elementary aged children learn how to have multi-exchange conversations with their peers in a variety of social settings.
Language Builder - Language Builder is designed to help children accomplish the following educational goals: 1) Improve sentence ideation ; 2) Improve sentence formation; and 3) Improve receptive and expressive language.
Question Builder - Question Builder is designed to help elementary aged children learn to answer abstract questions and create responses based on inference.
Sentence Builder - Sentence Builder is designed to help elementary aged children learn how to build grammatically correct sentences.
Story Builder - Story Builder is designed to help children accomplish the following goals: 1) Improve paragraph formation; 2) Improve integration of ideas; and 3) Improve higher level abstractions by inference.
Inspiration - Inspiration Maps brings visual thinking and learning to the iPad.
Books (not in the iBooks App)


MathBoard - MathBoard is a stunning app for teaching addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems
MATHsKOOL 1 - MATHsKOOL 1 contains twelve activities designed to develop numeracy skills.
Free Graphic Calculator - With the highest number of available mathematical functions, you will be able to solve almost every mathematical problem you can imagine
Ruler - Use your finger to drag the marker across the screen. Actual dimensions will be instantly displayed.
Math Quizzer - Math Quizzer is an interactive and fun way to, not only learn, but also to boost your skills in; Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division
Ace Kids Math Games - Easily teaches kids how to Count, Add, and Subtract VISUALLY using fun animations with a prize reward system for completing each level.
Math Bingo - The object of Math BINGO is to get a pattern of five BINGO Bugs in a row by correctly answering math problems.
iFactor Quadratics - This is a simple application that will factor quadratic equations, if possible
eSolver HD - eSolver HD enables you to solve quadratic equations in a very simple way.
Math Flash Cards - Math Flash Cards is a fun to use math drill application that looks and works just like the old paper flash cards.
Numerate: Count, Add and Subtract - Learn how to recognize numbers (1-20) and explore simple addition and subtraction with interactive calculations.
MakeChange - Practice counting change and doing addition problems.
Equation - EQUATION is a very fast and easy tool to solve Quadratic Equations.
Park Math - Park Math introduces early math concepts to children in Preschool and Kindergarten (ages 1-6).
MotionMath - By playing Motion Math, learners improve their ability to perceive and estimate fractions in multiple forms.
Math Ninja Lite - Teaches basic concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, to more advanced and complicated problem solving such as mixed operator usage.
Math Ninja - Use your math skills to defend your treehouse against a hungry tomato and his robotic army in this fun action packed game!
Motion Math Zoom - They'll have a blast zooming through the number line as they master place value.
Pizza Fractions - In chef's pizzeria your child masters the concept of naming simple fractions using pizza picture examples
Counting Money - Great app to practice making money
Operation Math - Designed for children ages 5 to 12, Operation Math teaches basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division through interactive game play that turns boring tables into a global adventure.
Let's Do Math - Let's Do Math! is a fun game to practice your addition and subtraction skills.
Hands-On Equations - This app makes learning algebra fun and easy for children as young as age 8! Equations such as 4x+3=3x+9 become child's play!
Solids Elementary HD - Solids Elementary is complete elaborations of all main geometric solid - prisms, solids of revolution and pyramids, that allows to unfold and exam solids nets in 3D.
Chalkboard Math - Chalkboard Math is the perfect app for elementary school students in need of math practice in the following areas: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Social Studies:

Geo Play 2 - States, Countries, International Capitals, Continents, Potpourri.
The Presidency - The Presidency application is an excellent educational reference for easy access to historical information regarding the 44 United States Presidents.
GeoMaster - In GeoMaster - US State Game, your goal is to place as fast and as accurately as possible all US states on a map.
Stack the States - Stack the States makes learning about the 50 states fun!
Early Jamestown - Victory Productions presents an interactive textbook exploration of the early days of the Jamestown settlement and the state of Virginia.
Era of Dino Lite - Here you will find descriptions of more than 330 dinosaurs and some information about teh time periods of the Mesozoic era.


Nova Elements - With “NOVA Elements,” explore an interactive periodic table, play a game hosted by David Pogue, or watch the two-hour NOVA program, “Hunting the Elements.”
HTS Periodic Table Pop Quiz - The Periodic Table Pop Quiz will exercise your brain by testing your knowledge of names, symbols, atomic number, period, and group for each element on the Periodic Table.
3D Sun - "3D Sun" lets you carry a virtual window onto today's sun, right in your pocket.
Stars - Stars is a light application that displays the 88 constellations in the sky
Bobo Explores Light - Hold a fully functional science museum in the palm of your hand!
3D Brain - Discover how each brain region functions, what happens when it is injured, and how it is involved in mental illness.
Molecules - Molecules is an application for viewing three-dimensional renderings of molecules and manipulating them using your fingers.
Starwalk - Star Walk enables you to point your iPad at the sky and see what stars, constellations, and satellites you are looking at in real-time.
SolarWalk - This 3D Solar System model enables you to navigate through space and time, observe all the planets in close-up, learn their trajectories, inner structure, history of their exploration, points of interest and more.
NASA VIZ - This is the NASA Visualization Explorer, the coolest way to get stories about advanced space-based research delivered right to your iPad.

iSign3D - Introducing an innovative application for learning the American Sign Language alphabet for the iPad!

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