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50 siti ed apps per creare storie digitali E-mail
Risorse - Digital storytelling
Scritto da Administrator   
Giovedì 11 Aprile 2013 14:35
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Se penso ad una delle modalità più diffuse di utilizzo di tecnologie a scuola la prima cosa che mi viene in mente è la narrazione di storie attraverso l'uso dei mezzi digitali.

Gli insegnanti possono usare le risorse digitali per la descrizione di qualsiasi argomento, tanto più se hanno la fortuna di disporre di tablet in aula.

Technology Tidbits: Thoughts of a Cyber Hero propone una lista di 50 siti web ed apps che possono essere utilizzati per la narrazione digitale

  1. 30hands - A fantastic user-friendly iOS app for creating a story by adding a narrations to photos. Also, 30hands has an excellent video tutorial to help users create a story.
  2. Animation Desk - A innovative iPad app that allows a user to create a custom drawing and then animate it as well as adding sounds.
  3. AnMish - A fun site for creating a puppet, record audio, and then embed into a site to tell a story.
  4. Art Maker - Is a wonderful iPad app for kids to create a digital story by selecting a background, adding characters, and then recording audio.
  5. Bitstrips for Schools - A great site for creating digital comics in the classroom w/ lots of resources and an educational portal.
  6. BoomWriter - A fantastic safe site for students (teachers create accounts - not student email required) to create digital stories/books through a collaborative process.  Once a story is completed, it gets published online and an actual book can then be ordered.
  7. Bunsella Bedtimes Story - A great iOS app that allows a person to record narration to a book to tell a story.
  8. Comic Life - Probably the most popular digital comic iOS app for creating comics.  This is a very fun and easy to use app for telling the story by creating a customized comic.
  9. Comic Master - One of my favorite sites for creating a digital comic by selecting a template, adding characters/props, and then adding text to tell a story.
  10. Digital Films - A nice site for creating a digital animated story and then embedded into a site/blog to share it w/ others.
  11. Five Card Flickr - A fun way to create a story through the use of 5 random Flickr photos.
  12. i Tell a Story - Users of Garageband will feel right at home w/ this great iOS app for creating a digital story.
  13. Inklewriter - A very unique site that allows students to collaborate and interact w/ others to build a story by branching off of other paths.
  14. Little Bird Tales - One of the most popular sites for digital storytelling that allows students to create their own art and record their voice.  Also, there is a excellent iOS app available for mobile learning.
  15. Make Beliefs Comix - A nice site for creating digital comics in a number of different languages as well of lots of educational resources.
  16. Meograph - An innovative site for four dimensional storytelling that has an educational portal.
  17. Moo-O - A fantastic site that has students use their own photo inside of a digital story.
  18. My Story - A wonderful iPad app for creating a digital book/story.  All a user has to do is draw or upload a picture, add some text, and then record audio to tell a story.
  19. my StoryMaker - A very fun site for creating a digital story by adding lots of elements such as: characters, objects, backgrounds, and more.
  20. myCreate - An excellent iPad app for easily creating stop motion animations.
  21. Myths & Legends - A great site for digital storytelling where users create a story by adding characters, scenes, and text.  Also, there is an educational portal which is ideal for education.
  22. Pixntell - A simple to use iOS app for organizing iPhotos into a story then recording audio.
  23. Pixton for Schools - A nice site w/ educational portal for creating digital comics.
  24. Primary Access - An interesting site for creating a digital story w/ historical stock footage.
  25. Qwiki - A simple to use iOS app for creating a story.  Qwiki automatically groups pictures and videos to create a presentation.  A user can then customize this by drag-n-dropping into any order they want or selecting specific music.
  26. Scribble Press - A terrific iPad app for creating a digital book/story through drawing and object tools.  A person can also order a physical copy of their book as well.
  27. SonicPics - A great iOS app for creating digital story by recording narrations to a users photos.
  28. Speech Journal - A nice iPad app for pairing recorded audio w/ a digital picture from one's iPhoto library to create a story.
  29. Stage'D - A cool site for creating a visual stunning CGI rendered story.
  30. Sock Puppets - A very fun iOS app that allows users to lip sync audio to a sock puppet, one of my kids favorites.
  31. Story Creator - One of my favorite iOS apps for creating a digital story by syncing audio and photos together.  Also, an option allows for highlighting of text during narration to help a student w/ Reading.
  32. Story Patch - A excellent site for not only creating a story but teaches a student the step by step process of story creation.
  33. Storybird - A great site w/ educational portal where students create art inspired stories and then embed into a site/blog.
  34. StoryJumper - A fantastic site for creating a digital story by building a story from scratch or choosing one of the story starters.  A student can add objects, text, and even upload their own art too.
  35. StoryKit - A simple to use iOS app for telling a story by adding text, photos, and audio.
  36. Storyplanet - A very innovative site for creating a digital story or video mashup.  This is done by selecting a theme or template (or create your own), add video, photos, text, effects, etc. and then share w/ others.  
  37. StorySmith - A fun iPad app for telling a digital story w/ either a fantasy or pirate based theme.
  38. Storytelling Alice - A wonderful free PC app that allows users to create a digital story and help build programming skills.
  39. Strip Designer - A iOS app similar to Comic Life for creating a digital comic.
  40. Toontastic - One of the most popular and fun iPad apps for digital storytelling by adding characters/objects to a background and recording your audio while moving the pieces around.
  41. Tell a Tale - A interesting iPad app that has a user verbally tell a story based on the first and last sentence of a story and three images.
  42. Tellagami - A nice way to tell a short story by creating an avatar and then recording audio, similar to Voki.
  43. Tumblecloud - A unique site that allows users to collaborate on a digital story through a drag-n-drop interface.
  44. UtellStory - A nice place to tell a story through audio, images, and video, as well as collaborating w/ others.
  45. VoiceThread - One of the most popular educational sites/apps for creating a interactive digital storytelling by uploading multimedia content and recording an audio narration.  A finished VoiceThread can then be embedded into a site/blog.
  46. Web of Stories - A community where users tell their story through the use of video.
  47. WriteComics - A simple to use site for creating a digital comic to tell a story.
  48. Xtranormal - A very popular site for creating stunning looking animated videos w/ educational portal.
  49. Zeen - Create a story by adding text, images, music, videos and more, then embed into a site to share.
  50. ZooBurst - An innovative site and iPad app for creating 3D digital popup books.

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