Risorse online sull'uccisione di Osama Bin Laden Stampa
Risorse - Attualità
Lunedì 02 Maggio 2011 17:15

Inserisco una serie di risorse prelevate dalla rete sull'uccisione di Osama Bin Laden, argomento di cui inevitabilmente si parlerà in classe nei prossimi giorni.
Sono tutti link a fonti in lingua inglese, che rendono ancor di più l'idea di un evento che, inevitabilmente, finirà sui libri di storia di ogni Paese degli anni a venire. 

The Wall Street Journal has an updated timeline on the Hunt For Bin Laden.

The Washington Post has an older interactive called Tracking Terrorism, which includes a biography of bin Laden.

Osama bin Laden, the face of terror, killed in Pakistan comes from CNN.

Hunting bin Laden is an older interactive from CBS News.

Terrorism Today: Investigating Al Qaeda’s Presence Around the World is from The New York Times Learning Network.


Osama bin Laden Through The Years is a slideshow from ABC News.


Here is a video of the President’s speech from MSNBC:

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Here’s a very short Associated Press video:

In The Words of Osama bin Laden is a slideshow from LIFE.

The New York Times has published an obituary of bin Laden which has just about anything anyone wants to know about him.

Here is an ABC video of bin Laden taking responsibility for the 9/11 attacks:

The Wall Street Journal has a copy of bin Laden’s “Wanted” poster.

CNN has this video called “bin Laden’s Legacy”:

CBS News has a video on bin Laden’s Road To Terrorism Leader:

TIME Magazine has a slideshow on bin Laden’s life.

The Los Angeles Times has a slideshow on bin Laden.

Osama Bin Laden Killed: Worldwide Reactions is a series of photos from The Atlantic.

Milestones: Osama bin Laden is an interactive timeline from The New York Times.

Around the World, Joy and Contemplation is a slideshow from The New York Times.

Reactions to Osama bin Laden’s Death is from The Wall Street Journal.

CNN has a ton of multimedia resources here.

MSNBC has a number of resources here, including an interactive timeline (if you scroll down).

In pictures: Osama Bin Laden’s life comes from The BBC.

Osama bin Laden: his life in pictures is from The Guardian.

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