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16 siti web per approfondire il vocabolario inglese E-mail
Discipline - Lingua inglese
Venerdì 25 Ottobre 2013 20:17
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Nell'apprendimento della lingua inglese le difficoltà maggiori sono legate alla capacità di padroneggiare il vocabolario.

Un lessico inadeguato finisce per influire negativamente sia nella scrittura che nella lettura.

La maggior parte degli studenti hanno problemi in particolare con il vocabolario attivo, cioè l'insieme delle parole che AUTENTICAMENTE usiamo nella comunicazione scritta e orale. Quando uno studente interiorizza una voce finisce per archiviarsi in una sorta di vocabolario passivo, ma una volta che iniziano ad usare quel termine in una conversazione, diventa parte integrante del vocabolario attivo.

Il vocabolario passivo ha più probabilità di essere dimenticato e per questo nell'insegnamento occorre sempre mettere in condizione gli alunni di utilizzare i vocaboli in maniera attiva e comunicativa.
Ora sono disponibili diverse risorse web davvero utili per insegnare il vocabolario, utilizzabili con gli studenti in classe. Ecco un elenco un elenco di alcuni dei migliori strumenti di Internet per insegnare/ apprendere il vocabolario.



This is a website that will hep students master the vocabulary essential to their academic success.

2- BBC Learning English



In this section, learns will have access to a plethora of vocabulary act ivies and tasks great for classroom inclusion.

3- Confusing Words



Confusing Words is a collection of 3210 words that are troublesome to readers and writers. Words are grouped according to the way they are most often confused or misused.


4- Just The Word



Just The Word is a cool website that helps students make informed decisions as to the right word selection to use in their writing




Lexipedia is an online visual semantic network with dictionary and thesaurus reference functionality 


6- Wordnik


Wordnik shows definitions from multiple sources, so you can see as many different takes on a word's meaning as possible.


7- Lingro



Lingro provides  an on-line environment that allows anyone learning a language to quickly look up and learn the vocabulary most important to them.


8- Vocab Grabber



VocabGrabber analyzes any text you're interested in, generating lists of the most useful vocabulary words and showing you how those words are used in context.


9- Snappy Words



It’s an online interactive English dictionary and thesaurus that helps you find the meanings of words and draw connections to associated words. You can easily see the meaning of each by simply placing the mouse cursor over it.


10- Wordia


Wordia is a free games-based learning platform - built on the foundations of a dictionary - that blends word-based learning games with interactive video vocabulary.


11- Graphwords



It’s an free English online thesaurus that helps you find the meanings of words and show connections among associated words. You can easily see the meaning of each by simply placing the mouse cursor over it.


12- Word Spy



Explains new words and phrases with new entries added regularly, plus archives of previous entries.

13- VocabGenii



VocabGenii is a free online vocabulary building game. Each round is only 90 seconds, and you can play anytime, anywhere you have Internet access.


14- Wordhippo



Wordhippo is a great vocabulary web tool that lets you easily provide antonyms and synonyms to your words.

15- Wordthink



WordThink provides you with a daily reminder to use many of the words you already know, and add many new words to your vocabulary that you can actually use every day!





This is an excellent vocabulary website that offers hundreds of amazing games and activities to teacher vocabulary.


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