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Canzone di Natale in inglese: My Christmas tree E-mail
Discipline - Lingua inglese
Venerdì 14 Dicembre 2012 20:41
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Se siete ancora alla ricerca di una bella canzone di Natale in lingua inglese per i vostri bambini, ho cio' che fa per voi.

Si tratta di My Christmas tree e sotto trovate il testo

Christmastime means laughter
To buckets in the snow ,
Caroling together
With faces of Love

Stockings on the mantel,
A wreath on the door
And my Merriest Christmas
Means just one thing more

Christmas Tree,
My Christmas Tree,
Lit up like a star;
When I see my Christmas tree,
Can loved ones be far?

Christmas Tree, I'm certain
Wherever I roam ,
The glow from your branches
Will light my way home.

Ornaments collected
From every Christmas night,
Memories reflected
Through tin-sel and light;

Gratefully we gather
As ever before
To rejoice in the season
And sing out once more.

Christmas Tree,
My Christmas Tree,
Lit up like a star;
When I see my Christmas tree,
Can loved ones be far?

Christmas Tree, I'm certain
Wherever I roam,
The glow from your branches
Will light my way home.

It's Christmas!
It's Christmas
And I'm going home!

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