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Copioni per la scuola: Cappuccetto Rosso in lingua inglese E-mail
Discipline - Lingua inglese
Martedì 13 Marzo 2012 14:21
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Se siete alla ricerca di un copione per uno spettacolino di fine d'anno, vi segnalo questo Capuccetto Rosso in lingua inglese, scritto da Emanuela Fraschini, per alunni di scuola primaria.

N= Narratore
T= Tutti
LRRH= Little Red Riding-hood
BW = The Bad Wolf
Altri personaggi


N – Once upon a time, there was a little girl (entra LRRH, si guarda intorno e cerca il cappuccetto rosso) who used to wear … (LRRH trova il cappuccino rosso e lo indossa) a little red riding hood (finge di specchiarsi); so, everybody in the village used to call her “Little - Red – Riding - Hood” (LRRH fa l’inchino) ….
T – Hello, Little-red-riding-hood!
LRRH – Hello, everybody!
Marco – Hello, LRRH!
LRRH – Hello, Marco!
Benedetta – Good-morning, LRRH!
LRRH – Good-morning, Ms Benedetta

LRRH – Very well, thank you.
T – And you? How are you, Fred?
Federico – Me too. Thank you. Good-bye, LRRH.
LRRH – Good-bye, Fred.
T – Bye-bye, LRRH!
LRRH – Bye-bye, everybody.



N – LRRH was poor, and she used to live with her mother (entra la mamma e fa l’inchino.

T – Hello, mum. Mum – Hello, everybody) in a small house (alcuni bambini portano una casetta, LRRH vi entrano e salutano), in the village.
LRRH and Mum – Welcome.
LRRH and Mum – Good-night.

N – One day, her mother called her …
Mum – LRRH … LRRH … come here, please! … LRRH! LRRH!

N – She came and said:
LRRH – Hallo, Mum! What do you want?
T – What do you want?
Mum – LRRH, please, take this basket and bring it to your grandmother, because she’s ill in bed.
LRRH – O.K., Mum.
T – O.K., Mum!
Mum – But, listen! Don’t stop in the wood.
T – OK, Mum
Mum – Don’t talk to anybody…
T – OK, Mum
Mum – Go running, straight ahead!
T – Go quickly … go running … straight away …. GO ON !
Mum – Don’t talk to the Bad Wolf!
LRRH – Why, Mum?
Mum – Because he’s bad.
T – Because he’s … Bad … !
LRRH – OK, Mum
N – She said …. And went.



N – She was walking … and walking ….
T – and walking … and walking …
N – and she stopped.
(LRRH si ferma e si guarda attorno)
N – to bring strawberries …
T – and atrawberries … and strawberries … and strawberries …
N – for her grandmother. And she went.
N – She was walking ….
T – and walking … and walking … and walking ….
N - -and she stopped.
(LRRH si ferma e si guarda attorno)
N – to bring mushrooms … and mushrooms …
T – and mushrooms … and mushrooms …
N – for her grandmother. And she went.
T – And she went.
T – She was walking … and walking … and walking … and walking …
N – and she stopped, to bring flowers …
T – and flowers … and flowers … and flowers …
N – for her grandmother.
T – And she went.
N – No! She didn’t.
T – NO?!
N – She was bringing flowers, when she met … the bad wolf!
T – The Bad Wolf!
BW ( si avvicina a LRRH e le fa un inchino) - Hello, LRRH …
LRRH – Hello. What’s your name?
BW – My name is … Wolf.
LRRH – Hello, Wolf. (fa per andarsene)
BW (la trattiene, si guarda attorno, sghignazza, sorride) – What a hurry! Where are you going, baby?
LRRH – To my grandmother, who lives in a house near the wood …
T – No, stupid! Don’t tell!
BW – Oh, what marvelous things, you bring … who are they for?
LRRH – For my grandmother
BW – What a kind thing … for your grandmother … what a kind thing ….!
T - What a kind thing …
BW – Why do you bring the basket to your grandmother?
LRRH – Because she’s ill in bed
BW – Oh, I see…- (rivolto al pubblico, sghignazzando) …. She’s ill in bed!

BW – Execuse, me baby, but I’m in a hurry ….! Good-bye!
LRRH – Good-bye …. Bad Wolf!

N – The Bad Wolf run away, and LRRH remained in the wood, bringing: flowers, and mushrooms, and strawberries, and so on …. For her grandmother.



T – In that while, the Bad Wolf arrived to the grandmother’s …. And ate her.
N – and he went in bed, sleeping and waiting for …

N – When LH arrived, she knocked on the door
LRRH – Toc-toc …. Toc-toc …..
T – Toc-toc …. Toc-toc …… toc-toc .....
BW /Grammy – Who is?
T – Who is?
LRRH – It’s me, Grammy …. LRRH. 
May I come in?
Grammy – Oh, yes, please, come in , my baby.
Do close the door, please.
LRHH – Oh, Granny …. What big eyes, you have!
Grammy – Oh, ….. it’s to see you better, my baby.
LRRH – Oh, Granny, ….. what big ears, you have!
Grammy – Oh, it’s to hear you better, my baby!
LRRH – Oh, Grammy, …. What big mouth, you have!
Grammy – Oh …. It’s to eat you better, my baby!
N – and he ate her …. Poor baby ….



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