Il software proprietario può rappresentare un forte elemento inibitorio all'uso delle tecnologie in classe, per le esangui casse delle scuole.
I costi elevati dei vari programmi rappresentano a volte un ostacolo insormontabile, ma questioni di budget non devono compromettere l'utilizzo di strumenti e metodologie, oggi pressoché indispensabili. Ci sono migliaia di risorse tecnologiche e strumenti gratuiti online che rappresentano valide alternative per l'apprendimento degli studenti.
Ecco una rassegna di 34 programmi free, suddivisi per tipologia, con descrizione in inglese.
Dropbox is a special folder that syncs across multiple computers and mobile devices. Dropbox lets you instantly share files between computers and offers storage that students can access from school or home.
Evernote captures notes and ideas and makes the available over multiple platforms including any computer and nearly every mobile device. Searching ideas and notes is easy, students can search by title, tag, or hand written text.
KeepVid lets you download videos directly from YouTube, Google, Metacafe, Putfile and more. It is as simple as copy and paste. Download educational videos for your students to watch offline.
TubeChop lets you select a portion from a YouTube video to share.
Crocodoc lets you upload PDFs, Word documents, and PowerPoint presentations and lets you view and mark them up online. Documents can be shared with others who can highlight and add notes collaboratively.
6. Prezi- http://prezi.com
create beautiful non-linear presentations with relations, detail zoom, and time adjustment. This is a striking alternative to PowerPoint.
Presentations an online presentation tool.
an online creative presentation tool that can be shared easily online.
Comprehensive presentation creation online.
a web application that lets you layout, share, and present rich media content.
a web based presentation tool that can be integrated with Google Apps.
a linear presentation program where you can create and share presentations.
an online tool that lets you share slides created offline.
create online presentations with images, video clips, music, and text.
create online collaborative presentations with video, audio, images, and embedded messages from the creator and viewers.
create music videos from images and text online.
this online word processor allows students to create and edit documents online while collaborating in real time with other students or teachers.
an online word processor that lets students create and edit documents directly in their web browser and share them in the cloud so that they can be shared with anyone. Zoho can allow multiple users to work on a document simultaneously.
a free web-based word processor designed specifically for primary students that allow students and teachers to work together in real-time.
an online word processor that allows students and teachers to collaborate in real-time. Multiple students can edit the same document simultaneously and the changes are reflected in real time.
a real time text editor that has an integrated chat function.
ALTERNATIVE AD INSPIRATION (applicazione per creare mappe mentali)
online mind mapping.
web based mind mapping with real time collaboration for brainstorming.
an online drawing tool that lets you create diagrams and mind maps.
a suite of online creativity tools. Photo-editing, logos, web templates, filters, color palettes, screen capture, music creator. This is a great alternative to Adobe’s expensive Photoshop and Illustrator.
Easy to use online photo editing tools. Includes effects, fonts, shapes, and frames.
a web 2.0 online application that offers an alternative to Adobe’s Photoshop.
edit images online with simple adjustments and a number of effects.
create digital art from any web browser, doesn’t require any plugins.
from Aviary, a complete audio editing suite online that lets students remix music tracks and audio clips. Students can apply sound effects, record their own voice or instruments.
a free online video editor including webcam and voice-over, slow motion effects, green screen, drawing and annotation tool, and customize and colorize clips.
mix photos and videos with special effects to create a slideshow/video montage.
create videos online using images, video clips, and music.
34. Stupeflix- http://stupeflix.com mix images videos and add soundtracks in an online editor, add titles and transitions for an impressive yet simple-to-create video.
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